New Zealand NHI IG
1.5.4 - Release

New Zealand NHI IG - Local Development build (v1.5.4) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Consumer Facing Application Authentication Compliance Testing

NHI Consumer Get tests

Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
NHI-Consumer-Get-1 application can clearly display that the information has come from the NHI rather than another source Output: The application alerts the user that the information they are viewing has been returned from the NHI Mandatory
NHI-Consumer-Get-2 application can display all relevant patient information
  • NHI numbers
    • All NHI numbers clearly labelled (live and dormant)
  • Names
    • All names clearly labelled, exclude any 'BabyOf' Names
    • Name details as appropriate
  • Address
    • Residential address
    • Postal address if present
  • Gender
    • Gender code
    • Gender-original-text if present
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Ethnicities
    • All (up to six)
  • NZ Citizenship status
  • DHB - optional Output: Person's information clearly displayed Mandatory
(for data items being handled)
NHI-Consumer-Get-3 application has an appropriate exception flow if a patient record has a Date of Death Output: The application alerts the user of the exception flow and an appropriate business process to reslove data quality errors Mandatory
NHI-Consumer-Get-4 application can display all other identity data returned by the NHI in a Get response including:
  • A non validated residential (physical) and mailing (postal) address
  • A year of birth
  • Unknown citizenship Output: All identity information is displayed for the patient. This is for a patient record that has partial information in some fields. The patient has:
  • A not validated physical address
  • A not validated postal address
  • Partial date of birth
(for data items being handled)
Describe the excpetion flow if the requested NHI is dormant, and that the live NHI has been returned.
  • Outout: Notification to the user that the requested NHI was dormant and the live NHI has been returned
  • Output: Patient Live NHI returned should be XXXXXXX
NHI-Consumer-Get-6 application can receive and display NHI responses that have fields populated with the maximum allowable sizes (e.g. A given name of 50 characters, Other given name(s) of 100 characters, Family Name of 100 characters)
  • Output: Patient information supplied is displayed without loss of data
  • This is for a patient record that has attribute values which are the maximum allowed field length in some fields
  • The patient has the following fields fully populated in the test record (field lengths in parentheses):
    • Given name (50)
    • Other Given Name(s) (100)
    • Family Name (100)
    • Address line 1 (100)
    • Address lines 2-5 (50)
    • Building name/additional details (255)
NHI-Consumer-Get-7 application behaves appropriately when a new format NHI number is returned
Output: Application does not error Mandatory
NHI-Consumer-Get-8 application can synchronize with local system in response to the NHI version changing
  • Do a Get
  • Update the patient details (to simulate a 3rd party updating the NHI info)
  • Do another Get
  • Demonstrate how end user can view the difference then synchronize
NHI-Consumer-Get-9 application can handle a response when a patient has
  • only a family name
  • only a given name
Do all
  • Output:
    • application does not error
    • application returns all name parts when present
    • order of name parts is clear to the user
  • mandatory

    NHI Consumer set-address tests

    Use for all updates
    Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
    NHI-Consumer-set-address-1 application can replace the primary residential address on a patient record with a validated address
    • Locate a validated address to use (this can be done using or use Health_UI
    • Add a new primary residential address to the patient record using the set-addresss operation
    • Input: Application can validate an address via e-SAM (using suggest or search)
    • Input: An address request can be populated with appropriate information
    • Output: The address that is displayed to the end user is the address that is returned in the update response
    NHI-Consumer-set-address-2 application can add (or replace) the postal address on a patient record with a validated address
    • Locate a validated address to use (this can be done using or use Health_UI
    • Add a new postal address to the patient record using the set-addresss operation
    • Input: Application can validate an address via e-SAM (using suggest or search)
    • Input: An address request can be populated with appropriate information
    • Output: The address that is displayed to the end user is the address that is returned in the update response
    NHI-Consumer-set-address-3 application can remove the postal address on a patient record
  • Remove the postal address from the patient record using the $remove-postal-address operation
  • Output: The patient record has Postal address removed
  • mandatory
    NHI-Consumer-set-address-4 Not currently implemented
    Application will show the correct error when attempting to add the supplied address that has been previously removed from the patient record by NHI administration
    • address-line: 24 Anglesea Avenue
    • nz-address-id: 967406
    • address-type: physical
    Error: EM02004 - The Patient Address requested has been removed from the Patient record by Te Whatu Ora Mandatory
    NHI-Consumer-set-address-5 Application will show the correct error when attempting to add the following postal address for an undeliverable address
    • address-line: 748E Whitemans Valley Road
    • nz-address-id: 3193368
    • address-type: postal
    Error: EM02209 - A validated mailing address must be an address at which mail can be delivered Mandatory
    NHI-Consumer-set-address-6 Application will show the correct error when attempting to add an address where the nz address id does not match the first line of the validated address
    • address-line: 24 Ranglesey Place
    • nz-address-id: 1199146
    • address-type: physical
    Error: "address-line must match the espatial value: ..." Mandatory

    NHI Consumer set-preferred-name tests

    Use for all updates
    Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
    NHI-Conumer-set-preferred-name-1 application can set the patients preferred name
    • Do a Get Patient request to see active patient names
    • Change the preferred name from the current name to another active name for the patient
    • Input:
      • An application can select a Patients preferred name from the active names list
    • Output:
      • The preferred name that is displayed to the end user is the name that was selected in the operation
      • The name is presented to the user with all name parts

    NHI Consumer Update-identity tests

    Use for all updates
    Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
    application can correctly re-collect ethnicity information from a person Ethnicity question presented correctly
    Update the set of ethnicity information based on the responses to the standard ethnicity collection question for the selected NHI number
  • Output:
    • Person able to select their ethnicities
    • The application can update the patients ethnicity information
    • Patient’s ethnicity after update should be:
      • 11111
      • 21111
      • 31111
  • mandatory
    application can correctly re-collect ethnicity information from a person Ethnicity question presented correctly
    Update the set of ethnicity information based on the responses to the standard ethnicity collection question for the selected NHI number
  • Output:
    • Person able to select their ethnicities
    • The application can update the patients ethnicity information
    • Patient’s ethnicity after update should be:
      • 11111
      • 34111
      • 51120
      • 4211
  • mandatory
    application can display an error when ethnicity information invalid
    set of supplied ethnicities that includes a duplicate ethnicity
    Update the ethnicity information for Patient: ZAA1063
    Ethnicities to use:
  • 32100 (Cook Islands Maori) and,
  • 12948 (South African) and,
  • 32100 (Cook Islands Maori)
  • Output: EM02301 - "A Patient must have at least one valid ethnicity code, only one instance of each selected ethnicity, and no more than one ‘unspecified’ ethnicity code" mandatory
    application can correctly update a gender value on a patient's record Change the gender from current gender to one of the three acceptable gender codes
    Do all
    • Male
    • Female
    • Another gender
  • Patients gender coded updated corrctly
  • mandatory
    application can correctly update the gender value and gender-original-text on a patient record
    • Change the gender code from current gender to 'Another gender'
    • include an original text response that a patient might submit
  • Patients gender coded updated corrctly
  • Mandatory if allowing a gendeer text update
    application can display an error when gender-original-text updated without a gender value Update the gender-original-text for Patient Output: EM07201 - "Is a required field - Patient.gender" Mandatory if allowing a gendeer text update