New Zealand NHI IG
1.6.3 - Release
New Zealand NHI IG - Local Development build (v1.6.3) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
The following notes apply to all resources in this implementation.
Only Json is supported by this implementation.
In this implementation, the id of the resource will always be the same as the value of the identifier assigned by the NHI with a use value of ‘official’. (There will only ever be a single identifier with this use type and system in a resource).
Thus the id for the resource below would be ‘ZAT2348’, and the url to read the resource something like:
Sometimes a person may have been added more than once to the NHI and been accidentally assigned more than one NHI number. When this is discovered to have occurred, the NHI records are linked, one of the NHI numbers becomes the ‘live’ identifier and the other NHI numbers become ‘dormant’ identifiers. For statistics on Dormant NHI numbers see Dormant NHI statistics
All the NHI numbers will appear in the resource identifier list, the live or active NHI number will have a use value of ‘official’ and the dormant identifiers will all have a use value of ‘old’.
When using a Get operation, if the ‘dormant’ identifier is used in the request, the resource returned will be the live resource and will include all the identifiers, the ‘live’ or ‘active’ with a use value of ‘official’ and the dormants with a use value of ‘old’.
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "ZAT2534",
"identifier": [ {
"use": "official",
"system": "",
"value": "ZAT2534",
… other data
(returned by GET<Endpoint>/Patient/ZAT2534)
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "ZAT2518",
"identifier": [ {
"use": "official",
"system": "",
"value": "ZAT2518",
… other data
(returned by GET<Endpoint>/Patient/ZAT2518)
They are determined to be the same person, and the identifier ZAT2518 is made dormant in favour of ZAT2534.
A GET call of GET<Endpoint>/Patient/ZAT2534 or GET<Endpoint>/Patient/ZAT2518 will return the same response
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "ZAT2534",
"identifier": [ {
"use": "official",
"system": "",
"value": "ZAT2534"},
"use": "old",
"system": "",
"value": "ZAT2518"},
… other data
Status code | Description |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | The client needs to provide credentials, or has provided invalid credentials. |
403 | Authentication was provided, but the authenticated user is not permitted to perform the requested operation. |
404 | Resource not found |
405 | HTTP method not allowed |
409 | Resource conflict, the version provided for the resource is not the current version |
413 | The request body was too big for the server to accept |
422 | Unprocessable Entity, resource was rejected by the server because it “violated applicable FHIR profiles or server business rules” |
500 | General system failure |
429 | Exceeded quota |
The Response body may contain an OperationOutcome resource describing the result of the request message processing
The table below describes how the OperationOutcome should be populated
Field | Description | Cardinality |
OperationOutcome.issue | 0..n | |
OperationOutcome.issue[].severity | error | 0..1 |
OperationOutcome.issue[].code | processing | 0..1 |
OperationOutcome.issue[].details.coding.system | | 0..1 |
OperationOutcome.issue[].details.coding.code | See the HIP Error codes | 0..1 |
OperationOutcome.issue[].details.coding.display | See the HIP Error codes | 0..1 |
OperationOutcome.issue[].details.text | See indicative text on each operation use case | 0..1 |
"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
"issue": [
"severity": "error",
"code": "processing",
"details": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "EM07201"
"display": "Missing a required field"
"text": "Name is a required field"
HTTP Header (Key) | HTTP Header (Value) | Description | Mandatory / Recommended / Optional |
Authorization | Bearer {string} | The OAuth2 access token | Mandatory |
userid | {string} | Client provided All requests for all resources must include an http header userid that uniquely identifies the individual initiating the request Preferably the hpi-person-id of the user would be provided if known, otherwise a userid that allows the authenticated organisation to identify the individual |
Mandatory |
Content-Type | application/json | Supported content type | Mandatory |
x-api-key | {string} | Te Whatu Ora Provided – issued with client credentials | Mandatory |
User-Agent | {string} | The user-agent header is a string field that lets Te Whatu Ora know the application and version of the application accessing the HIP APIs. | Mandatory |
X-Correlation-Id | {string} | Client provided All requests should contain a unique transaction id in the X-Correlation-Id field If present in the request this will be returned in the response, and can be used to track API calls Preferred less than 64 characters |
Recommended |
Element name | Value | Description |
X-Correlation-Id | {string} | Returned if provided |
X-request-Id | {string} | Unique identifier for the request within the NHI |
ETag | {string} | The resource version number, returned on a Get |
The NHI server uses the OAUTH2 Client Credentials flow for authentication and authorisation and complies with the SMART specification for backend services
The following scopes are supported. For more information on available functionality please see Business Functions.
SMART on FHIR Scopes | Description |
---|---| | Read access to all Patient resources | | Search (Match) access to Patient resources | | Access to Patient resources to vaidate a patient only | | Update access to all Patient resources | | Create access to Patient resource |
Clients will be emailed their API key, which should be treated as confidential information and not shared with other parties
An api-key associates the client with a usage plan, which sets upper limits on the API request volume which is permitted. If a client exceeds their usage plan allocation an http error will be returned
Clients will need to add their api key to the x-api-key header in each API request. If no API key is included in the request header, a “Forbidden” error will be returned
Plan | Rate | Burst | Quota |
bronze | 1 request per second | 5 | 10,000 requests per day |
silver | 5 requests per second | 25 | 250,000 requests per day |
gold | 10 requests per second | 50 | 500,000 requests per day |
All test accounts will be assigned to the bronze usage plan. If a Vendor wishes to be assigned to a higher plan, they should contact the Integration team via the General Enquiry form Please request a change to the usage plan and make sure you include the ClientID at minimum (AppId and Orgid also recommended).
Production accounts will be assigned to the silver usage plan. If an Organisation wishes to be assigned to the gold usage plan, they should contact the Te Whatu Ora NHI access team
If an application reaches its usage plan limit an HTTP 429 error will be returned. The expected behaviour is that the application will retry several times with an exponentially increasing delay
GEO Restriction rules prevent access from clients with IPs located in countries other than those listed below. If you need access from another country, please contact our team by completing the Enquiry form or adding a comment to the online onboarding request form if you have one.