New Zealand NHI IG - Local Development build (v1.6.3) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Birthdate definitions
- Registered birthdate Status Definition
- A Registered birthdate is a date of birth which has been verified by a Government Agency
- This is a source of:
- BREG - This code is added only after verification via MOH/DIA birth register matching
- Verified birthdate Status Definition
- A Verified birthdate is a birthdate for which acceptable documentary evidence has been sighted by the person recording the birthdate
- This would be birthdate with source which is one of:
- BRCT - Birth Certificate,
- NZCI - NZ Certificate of Identity,
- NZCT - NZ Citizenship Certificate,
- NZET - NZ Emergency Travel Document,
- NZPV - NZ Permanent Resident Visa A New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa (not time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand,
- NZTV - NZ Resident Visa A New Zealand Resident Visa (time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand,
- NZRT - NZ Refugee Travel Document,
- PPRT - Passport
- NZDL - NZ Driver Licence
- Unverified birthdate Status Definition
- A Unverified birthdate is a birthdate for which either no proof, or unacceptable documentary evidence, has been sighted by the person recording the birthdate
- This would be a. source is one of:
- NPRF - No Proof Information provided (no proof) by patient/whanau,
- OTHR - Other official document
- HL7 - Data has been applied via HL7 message
- MIGR - From the legacy NHI System with no known external source
- Partial DOB Definition
- When assessing data against rules, a partial date of birth will be interpreted as follows:
- YYYYMM - the first day of the specified month in the year of birth (e.g July 2010 is interpreted as 1 July 2010);
- YYYY - 1 January in the specified year of Birth (e.g. 2010 is interpreted as 1 January 2010)"
Birthplace definitions
- Registered birthplace definition
- A Registered birthplace is either a place of birth and country of birth, or a country of birth only, which has been verified by a Government Agency
- This would be a source of BREG - Has been confirmed with a match to the Birth Register
- Verified birthplace definition
- A Verified birthplace is either a place of birth and country of birth, or a country of birth only, for which acceptable documentary evidence has been sighted by the person recording the birthplace
- This would be a source of:
- BRCT - Birth Certificate,
- NZCI - NZ Certificate of Identity,
- NZCT - NZ Citizenship Certificate,
- NZET - NZ Emergency Travel Document,
- NZPV - NZ Permanent Resident Visa A New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa (not time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand,
- NZTV - NZ Resident Visa A New Zealand Resident Visa (time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand,
- NZRT - NZ Refugee Travel Document,
- PPRT - Passport
- Unverified birthplace definition
- An Unverified Country of Birth is either a place and country of birth, or a country of birth only, for which either no proof, or unacceptable documentary evidence, has been sighted by the person recording the birthplace
NZ Citizenship definitions
- Registered NZ Citizenship Status Definition
- A Registered NZ Citizenship status is a patient who holds NZ Citizenship and the citizenship status has been verified by a Government Agency.
- This has only been available sinse 2013
- This is a source of:
- DIA - DIA data share - The code is added only after DHB or MOH/DIA data matching
- Verified NZ Citizenship Status Definition
- A Verified NZ Citizenship Status is a patient who holds NZ Citizenship for which acceptable documentary evidence has been sighted by the person recording the NZ Citizenship status
- This is a source of:
- PPRT - Passport,
- NZCT - NZ Citizenship Certificate,
- BRCT - BRCT - Birth Certificate
- Unverified NZ Citizenship Status Definition
- A Unverified NZ Citizenship status is a patient who states they hold NZ Citizenship, for which either no proof, or unacceptable documentary evidence, has been sighted by the person recording the NZ Citizenship status
- This is a source of
- Derived NZ Citizenship status Definition
- A Derived NZ Citizenship Status is a patient who was born in New Zealand prior to 1 January 2006
- Non Citizen NZ Citizenship status Definition
- A Non Citizen NZ Citizenship status is a patient who states they do not hold NZ citizenship, with or without documentary evidence
- Unknown NZ Citizenship Status Definition
- An Unknown NZ Citizenship status is a patient who is unable or unwilling to provide any information about their NZ Citizenship status
Birthplace definitions
- Registered birthplace definition
- A Registered birthplace is either a place of birth and country of birth, or a country of birth only, which has been verified by a Government Agency
- This would be a source of:
- BREG - Has been confirmed with a match to the Birth Register
- Verified birthplace definition
- A Verified birthplace is either a place of birth and country of birth, or a country of birth only, for which acceptable documentary evidence has been sighted by the person recording the birthplace
- This would be a source of:
- BRCT - Birth Certificate,
- NZCI - NZ Certificate of Identity,
- NZCT - NZ Citizenship Certificate,
- NZET - NZ Emergency Travel Document,
- NZPV - NZ Permanent Resident Visa A New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa (not time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand,
- NZTV - NZ Resident Visa A New Zealand Resident Visa (time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand,
- NZRT - NZ Refugee Travel Document,
- PPRT - Passport
- Unverified birthplace definition
- An Unverified Country of Birth is either a place and country of birth, or a country of birth only, for which either no proof, or unacceptable documentary evidence, has been sighted by the person recording the birthplace
- This would be a source of:
- NPRF - No Proof Information provided (no proof) by patient/whanau,
- OTHR - Other official document
Deceased date definitions
- Registered Deceased date Status Definition
- A Registered deceased date is a Deceased date which has been verified by a Government Agency
- This would be a source of:
- DREG - Has been confirmed with a match to the Death Register
- Verified Deceased date status Definition
- A verified deceased date is a deceased date for a death taking place in New Zealand for which acceptable documentary evidence has been sighted, or for an overseas death that has been notified by an official overseas source
- This would be a source of:
- MCCOD - Medical Certificate Cause of Death
- CORONER - Coroner Notification
- OSEAOFF - Death Overseas Official
- Unverifiable Deceased date status Definition
- An unverifiable deceased date is a deceased date for a death that has been notified by a non official source or that has taken place outside New Zealand, which will not appear on the death register
- This would be a source of:
- OSEA - Overseas (i.e. has been notified by a third party),
- NPRF - No Proof Information provided (no proof) by patient/whanau,
- HL7 - Data has been applied via HL7 message
- MIGR - From the legacy NHI System with no known external source
- Partial DOD Definition
- When assessing data against rules, a partial date of death will be interpreted as follows:
- YYYYMM - the last day of the specified month in the year of death (e.g. July 2010 is interpreted as 31 July 2010);
- YYYY - 31 December in the specified year of death (e.g. 2010 is interpreted as 31 December 2010)"
Ethnicity Definition
- Acceptable Ethnicity information Definition
- A valid set of Ethnicity information:
- contains at least one, and up to 6, detailed (level four) ethnic groups, AND
- each code appears only once in the set (i.e. no duplicate values), AND
- contains a maximum of one residual code (9xxxx), AND
- does not contain code 96666 (repeated value), AND
- does not contain code 98888 (response out of scope)"
Identity Definitions
- Identity Confusion Definition
- Identity confusion occurs when:
- The identity information held for one patient is so similar to another patient, that the records may belong to the same patient OR
- The identity information held for a given patient is modified in such a way that the old and new identity information could belong to different patients
Name Definitions
- Duplicate Name Definition
- A Name is a duplicate name for a given NHI number if the 'Given Name', 'Other Given Names', and 'Family Name' match the values for an existing name for that NHI.
- Concatenated names are included as duplicates.
- Duplicates are case insensitive (mark Fraser and Mark Fraser are considered duplicates).
- Non alphanumeric characters are treated as if they don’t exist.
- Mononym
- Registered Name Definition
- A Registered Name is a name which has been verified by a Government Agency
- This is a source of BREG - Has been confirmed with a match to the Birth Register
- Verified Name Definition
- A Verified Name is a name for which acceptable documentary evidence has been sighted by the person recording the name
- This is a Name Source of:
- BRCT - Birth Certificate,
- NZCI - NZ Certificate of Identity,
- NZCT - NZ Citizenship Certificate,
- NZET - NZ Emergency Travel Document,
- NZPV - NZ Permanent Resident Visa (A New Zealand Permanent Resident Visa (not time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand),
- NZTV - NZ Resident Visa (A New Zealand Resident Visa (time bound) issued by Immigration New Zealand),
- NZRT - NZ Refugee Travel Document,
- PPRT - Passport
- NZMC - NZ Marriage Certificate
- NZCU - NZ Civil Union Certificate
- NZNC - NZ Name Change Certificate or Deed Poll
- NZDL - NZ Driver Licence
- CSC - Community Services Card
- Unverified Name Definition
- A Unverified Name is a name for which either no proof, or unacceptable documentary evidence, has been sighted by the person recording the name
- This is a name source of:
- NPRF - No Proof Information provided (no proof) by patient/whanau,
- OTHR - Other official document
- Partial Name Definition
- A Partial Name is a name which:
- contains only one of: {Given Name; Family Name}, AND
- is not Verified AND
- is not Registered
- Legacy Name Definition
- A Legacy Name is a name for which the most recent update:was requested via a Legacy HL7 request, OR was the automated database migration process from the Legacy NHI database to the IBM Initiate NHI database