The ‘Create Patient’ operation is initiated by a user who needs to create a new identity record for a person not found on the NHI.
The user has sourced the required identity information, done a thorough search of the NHI, and initiates a request to create a new patient identity record in the NHI.
Prior to adding a new identity record to the NHI an authorised user must complete a thorough search of the NHI to ensure the patient does not already exist.
Duplicate NHI records will not be checked upfront, but will create a task for a potential duplicate to be resolved.
If the Patient is found in the NHI, then an update operation is required (See use cases for available operations). If not found then a new identitiy record may be created.
NHI FHIR Create Patient processing steps:
The user initiates creating a new patient in the integrating application
The integrating application sends an HTTP POST request (a FHIR create) containing the Patient details E.g. Post<Endpoint>/Patient/$create
The request is validated - ALT: Validation failure. OperationOutcome resource returned
A Patient record is created and a Patient ID (nhi-id) is issued
The NHPI FHIR API confirms a successful update – HTTP 201 Created status code
The integrating application indicates to the user the create has been successful
The integrating application retains the nhi-id and version number for future requests relating to this record
Create Patient - In Parameters
**A create patint request is actioned by submitting a parameters resource**
A request must update the source of information only when the information is also provided (birthdate, country of birth, nz citizenship, deceased date, name).
A Create Patient request may include a:
deceased date
Create Patient errors
Name is required
birth date is a required field
Gender is a required field
Ethnicity is required
NZ Citizenship is required
Address is required
Information source is a required field (birthdate, country of birth, nz citizenship, deceased date, and name)
A source of registered can only be updated by an authorised agency
Create Patient - Name rules
A Patient must have:
at least one Active Name
one, and only one, Active Name which is preferred.
Unallocated names can only be set by an authorised agency
A name field which is not null must contain at least one alphabetic character.
A 'Legacy Name' must only be submitted via a legacy HL7 update request
Create Patient - Name errors
A Patient must have only one active Preferred Name
A Patient name must contain a Surname and a Name Type, a preferred name flag and an information source
A Baby of name must have source = NPRF, name use = temp
Unallocted names can only be set by an authorised Agency
A Patient’s given name and surname must start with a letter of the alphabet or an apostrophe
Each populated Patient Name field must contain at least one letter
Patient Name must not contain special characters
Name can only be set to a ‘Registered’ value by an authorised Agency
A source of HL7 or MIGR can only be submitted by a legacy update
Create Patient - Birthdate rules
A birth date must be after 1 January 1900 and not a future date
A birthdate must be a complete date and formatted either:
YYYYMMDD - DOB less than or equal to the current date;
YYYYMM – less than or equal to the current month and year;
YYYY – less than or equal to the current year
A request to populate the Date of Birth Information Source must also populate the Date of Birth
A web service request must not add any birth and death information with a Status of Registered, i.e. Registered Date of Birth, Registered Date of Death, Registered Country of Birth
Create Patient - Birthdate errors
Patient Birthdate must be after After 1 January 1900 AND cannot be a future date
A patient Birthdate is required when a patient Birthdate information source is present
Birthdate can only be set to a ‘Registered’ value by an authorised agency
Create Patient - Ethnicity rules
A Patient must have at least one active set of valid ethnicity information.
A Patient must supply all ethnicities identified with when supplying ethnicity information
A set of ethnicity codes must contain at least 1 ethnicity, only one instance of each selected ethnicity, no more than one ‘unspecified’ (residual) ethnicity code and can contain up to 6 ethnicities.
Create Patient - Ethnicity errors
A Patient must have at least one valid ethnicity code, only one instance of each selected ethnicity, and no more than one ‘unspecified’ ethnicity code
Create Patient - NZ Citizenship rules
A Patient must have a NZ citizenship status
A request to populate the NZ Citizenship Information Source must also populate the NZ Citizenship status value
Create Patient - NZ Citizenship errors
An NZ Citizenship status is required when an NZ Citizenship Information Source is present
Create Patient - Birthplace rules
A place of birth must only be populated if a country of birth is present
A request to populate the Country of Birth Information Source must also populate the Country of Birth
Create Patient - Birthplace errors
Country of birth is required when a place of birth is present
A Country of birth is required when a Country of Birth Information Source is present
Create Patient - Deceased date rules
A deceased date can only be added by an authorised agency
If present, a deceased date must be on or after birthdate, and not a future date
deceased date must be a complete date and formatted either;
YYYYMMDD - DOD less than or equal to the current date;
YYYYMM – less than or equal to the current month and year;
YYYY – less than or equal to the current year.
A request to populate the Date of Death Information Source must also populate the Date of Death
A web service request must not add any birth and death information with a Status of Registered, i.e. Registered Date of Birth, Registered Date of Death, Registered Country of Birth
Create Patient - Deceased date errors
Patient Date of death cannot be a future date
A patient Date of Death is required when a patient Date of Death information source is present
Deceased date can only be set to ‘Registered’ by an authorised Agency
The Date of Birth must be less than or equal to the Date of Death
Create Patient - Gender Rules
A Patient must have a current gender, supplied as a valid gender code.
A Patient may have a gender-original-text response
If supplied, both gender code and gender-original-text will be recorded in the NHI.
Create Patient - Gender errors
Create Patient - Address rules
A Patient must have a single Primary Residential Address (type = physical)
An acceptable Patient Address must be:
Validated by an Address Service; OR
User Qualified with a NotValidatedAddressReason
A Patient can have a maximum of one residential and one mailing address (1 x address type = physical and 1 x type = postal)
A Validated Address must include:
a valid nz-address-id
Address-line-1 (that matches the address-line-1 returned by eSAM)
Address Type (physical or postal)
A validated postal address, must be an address where mail can be delivered (must be eSAM deliverable).
The result of an address service 'find address' request using the values provided for the first line of the Address Location must:
result in a single validated address with a match score exceeding the match threshold, AND
have a unique nz-address-id matching the ID provided in the request
A Validated Address may include:
address-building-name (this is additional to address data returned by eSAM)
An unvalidated-address must include:
Enough address information for the domicile code and DHB to be derived, if not, a domicile code must be supplied.
An unvalidated-address may include:
The street address: (suburb, building-name, line, city, country)
must contain an alphanumeric first character,
may contain any of [A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and these special characters - /',]
Create Patient - Address errors
A Patient must have a primary residential address
A Patient Address must either be validated by the MoH address service, or have a qualifier to indicate why the address cannot be validated
A residential address must have a notional domicile code
Validated address
Nz-address-id, Address line 1 and address type are required.
Address-type is a required field and must be postal or physical
address-line must match the espatial value: <>
Unvalidated address
Address line 1, address type, and not-validated-address-reason are required.
A Patient address must contain Address line 1, identify whether the address is residential or mailing, and whether it is the primary residential address
Domicile / notional domicile code:
A residential address must have a notional domicile code
A residential address must have a domicile code
The address validation service was not available to validate this address; and a notional domicile code was not provided for this address, and could not be automatically assigned
A Patient Address must either be validated by the MoH address service, or have a qualifier to indicate why the address cannot be validated