New Zealand NHI IG
1.5.4 - Release

New Zealand NHI IG - Local Development build (v1.5.4) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Create Patient

Create Patient Overview

The ‘Create Patient’ operation is initiated by a user who needs to create a new identity record for a person not found on the NHI.
The user has sourced the required identity information, done a thorough search of the NHI, and initiates a request to create a new patient identity record in the NHI.


  • Prior to adding a new identity record to the NHI an authorised user must complete a thorough search of the NHI to ensure the patient does not already exist.
  • Duplicate NHI records will not be checked upfront, but will create a task for a potential duplicate to be resolved.
  • If the Patient is found in the NHI, then an update operation is required (See use cases for available operations). If not found then a new identitiy record may be created.
Create PatientIntegrating application userIntegrating application userIntegrating applicationIntegrating application<FHIR API> NHI<FHIR API> NHINHI MDMNHI MDMUser enters Patient detailsPOST<Endpoint>/Patient/$createValidate[]Add request201 Created HTTP statuscode

NHI FHIR Create Patient processing steps:

  1. The user initiates creating a new patient in the integrating application
  2. The integrating application sends an HTTP POST request (a FHIR create) containing the Patient details E.g. Post<Endpoint>/Patient/$create
  3. The request is validated - ALT: Validation failure. OperationOutcome resource returned
  4. A Patient record is created and a Patient ID (nhi-id) is issued
  5. The NHPI FHIR API confirms a successful update – HTTP 201 Created status code
  6. The integrating application indicates to the user the create has been successful
  7. The integrating application retains the nhi-id and version number for future requests relating to this record

Create Patient - In Parameters

**A create patint request is actioned by submitting a parameters resource**
Parameter name Parameter type Mandatory / Optional Description
patient patient Mandatory See Create Patient Profile
See Create Patient Operation definition

Create Patient Example

For a create patient example click here

Create Patient rules and errors

For Request rules and errors click here

Create Patient rules

  • A Create Patient request must not create an NHI record which is a duplicate of another Patient’s identity

  • A Create Patient request must include a:
  • A request must update the source of information only when the information is also provided (birthdate, country of birth, nz citizenship, deceased date, name).

  • A Create Patient request may include a:
    • birthplace
    • deceased date

  • Create Patient errors
    • Name is required
    • birth date is a required field
    • Gender is a required field
    • Ethnicity is required
    • NZ Citizenship is required
    • Address is required
    • Information source is a required field (birthdate, country of birth, nz citizenship, deceased date, and name)
    • A source of registered can only be updated by an authorised agency

Create Patient - Name rules

  • A Patient must have:
    • at least one Active Name
    • one, and only one, Active Name which is preferred.
  • A name must have:
  • A name may have:
    • prefix (title),
    • ‘other’ given name (1)
    • use
    • name-use-extra (baby-of and unallocated)
  • A name cannot be added with a name use = usual, official or anonymous, old
  • A name can only include: Alphas (A-Z or a-z), hypens(-), spaces, apostrophes (TBC)
  • The first character of a name must be an Alpha (A-Z or a-z) or apostrophe
  • A name field must include at least one Alpha (A-Z or a-z) character
  • A request must not create a duplicate of an existing name
  • ‘babyof and unallocated names’ must have:
    • source = NPRF
    • name use = temp
    • name-use-extra (‘babyof’ or ‘unallocated’).
  • Unallocated names can only be set by an authorised agency
  • The first character of a name must be an Alpha (A-Z or a-z) or apostrophe.
  • A name field which is not null must contain at least one alphabetic character.
  • Allowed name characters alpha, a-z, A-Z, space, hyphen - and apostrophe.
  • A Name update which results in a Name Status of Registered must only be submitted via an authorised Agency
  • A ‘Legacy Name’ must only be submitted via a legacy HL7 update request

  • Create Patient - Name errors
    • A Patient must have only one active Preferred Name
    • A Patient name must contain either a Given name or a Surname and a Name Type, a preferred name flag and an information source
    • A Baby of name must have source = NPRF, name use = temp
    • Unallocted names can only be set by an authorised Agency
    • A Patient’s given name and surname must start with a letter of the alphabet or an apostrophe
    • Each populated Patient Name field must contain at least one letter
    • Patient Name must not contain special characters
    • Name can only be set to a ‘Registered’ value by an authorised Agency
    • A source of HL7 or MIGR can only be submitted by a legacy update

Create Patient - Birthdate rules

  • A birth date must be after 1 January 1900 and not a future date
  • A birthdate must be a complete date and formatted either:
    • YYYYMMDD - DOB less than or equal to the current date;
    • YYYYMM – less than or equal to the current month and year;
    • YYYY – less than or equal to the current year
  • A request to populate the Date of Birth Information Source must also populate the Date of Birth
  • A web service request must not add any birth and death information with a Status of Registered, i.e. Registered Date of Birth, Registered Date of Death, Registered Country of Birth

  • Create Patient - Birthdate errors
    • Patient Birthdate must be after After 1 January 1900 AND cannot be a future date
    • A patient Birthdate is required when a patient Birthdate information source is present
    • Birthdate can only be set to a ‘Registered’ value by an authorised agency

Create Patient - Ethnicity rules

  • A Patient must have at least one active set of valid ethnicity information.
  • A Patient must supply all ethnicities identified with when supplying ethnicity information
  • A set of ethnicity codes must contain at least 1 ethnicity, only one instance of each selected ethnicity, no more than one ‘unspecified’ (residual) ethnicity code and can contain up to 6 ethnicities.

  • Create Patient - Ethnicity errors
    • A Patient must have at least one valid ethnicity code, only one instance of each selected ethnicity, and no more than one ‘unspecified’ ethnicity code

Create Patient - NZ Citizenship rules

  • A Patient must have a NZ citizenship status
  • A request to populate the NZ Citizenship Information Source must also populate the NZ Citizenship status value

  • Create Patient - NZ Citizenship errors
    • An NZ Citizenship status is required when an NZ Citizenship Information Source is present

Create Patient - Birthplace rules

  • A place of birth must only be populated if a country of birth is present
  • A request to populate the Country of Birth Information Source must also populate the Country of Birth

  • Create Patient - Birthplace errors
    • Country of birth is required when a place of birth is present
    • A Country of birth is required when a Country of Birth Information Source is present

Create Patient - Deceased date rules

  • A deceased date can only be added by an authorised agency
  • If present, a deceased date must be on or after birthdate, and not a future date
  • deceased date must be a complete date and formatted either;
    • YYYYMMDD - DOD less than or equal to the current date;
    • YYYYMM – less than or equal to the current month and year;
    • YYYY – less than or equal to the current year.
  • A request to populate the Date of Death Information Source must also populate the Date of Death
  • A web service request must not add any birth and death information with a Status of Registered, i.e. Registered Date of Birth, Registered Date of Death, Registered Country of Birth

  • Create Patient - Deceased date errors
    • Patient Date of death cannot be a future date
    • A patient Date of Death is required when a patient Date of Death information source is present
    • Deceased date can only be set to ‘Registered’ by an authorised Agency
    • The Date of Birth must be less than or equal to the Date of Death

Create Patient - Gender Rules

  • A Patient must have a current gender, supplied as a valid gender code.
  • A Patient may have a gender-original-text response
  • If supplied, both gender code and gender-original-text will be recorded in the NHI.

  • Create Patient - Gender errors

Create Patient - Address rules

  • A Patient must have a single Primary Residential Address (type = physical)
  • An acceptable Patient Address must be:
    • Validated by an Address Service; OR
    • User Qualified with a NotValidatedAddressReason
  • A Patient can have a maximum of one residential and one mailing address (1 x address type = physical and 1 x type = postal)
  • A Validated Address must include:
    • a valid nz-address-id
    • Address-line-1 (that matches the address-line-1 returned by eSAM)
    • Address Type (physical or postal)
  • A validated postal address, must be an address where mail can be delivered (must be eSAM deliverable).
  • The result of an address service ‘find address’ request using the values provided for the first line of the Address Location must:
    • result in a single validated address with a match score exceeding the match threshold, AND
    • have a unique nz-address-id matching the ID provided in the request
  • A Validated Address may include:
    • address-building-name (this is additional to address data returned by eSAM)
  • An unvalidated-address must include:
    • not-validated-address-reason
    • address-type
    • address-line-1
    • Enough address information for the domicile code and DHB to be derived, if not, a domicile code must be supplied.
  • An unvalidated-address may include:
    • address-building-name
    • address-line-2
    • address-suburb
    • address-city
    • address-postal-code
    • address-country-code
    • address-domicile-code
  • The street address: (suburb, building-name, line, city, country)
    • must contain an alphanumeric first character,
    • may contain any of [A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and these special characters - /’,]

  • Create Patient - Address errors
    • A Patient must have a primary residential address
    • A Patient Address must either be validated by the MoH address service, or have a qualifier to indicate why the address cannot be validated
    • A residential address must have a notional domicile code
    • Validated address
      • Nz-address-id, Address line 1 and address type are required.
      • Address-type is a required field and must be postal or physical
      • address-line must match the espatial value: <>
    • Unvalidated address
      • Address line 1, address type, and not-validated-address-reason are required.
      • A Patient address must contain Address line 1, identify whether the address is residential or mailing, and whether it is the primary residential address
    • Domicile / notional domicile code:
      • A residential address must have a notional domicile code
      • A residential address must have a domicile code
      • The address validation service was not available to validate this address; and a notional domicile code was not provided for this address, and could not be automatically assigned
    • A Patient Address must either be validated by the MoH address service, or have a qualifier to indicate why the address cannot be validated
    • Patient Address contains invalid text