New Zealand NHI IG
1.6.3 - Release

New Zealand NHI IG - Local Development build (v1.6.3) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Terms Of Use

NHI Terms of Use

Text to be presented at next login after upgrade :

<Application Name> is now connected to the Te Whatu Ora, National Health Index (NHI) so that each health consumer’s NHI number and other NHI details can be accessed. Before you continue you must read and accept these Terms of Use.

Terms of Use for users of the NHI interfaces with <Application Name>

As a user of <Application Name> you will be a user (User) of the National Health Index (NHI). As a User you will have access to personal information of health consumers (the Information).

As a User you confirm that you:

  • will comply with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020, in relation to any Information.
  • can provide printed information or links to information on the Te Whatu Ora website about the NHI to health consumers if requested.
  • will raise any of the following issues that come to your attention with the Te Whatu Ora contact centre (0800 855 066)
    • system issues with your connection to the NHI
    • any data quality issues in the NHI (or raise them with the health consumers GP)
  • will not access Information about health consumers who are not cared for by your organisation
  • must:
    • keep Information secure and confidential, for example ensuring it is not visible on an unattended computer screen, or in an unattended area which may allow access to the Information by unauthorized persons.
    • only look at the Information you need to perform your role, and not disclose it to anyone else unless they need it to perform their role.
    • not share your access credentials with anyone or let anyone else use your credentials, or let anyone else use your device or computer while logged in to <application name>
    • only access the Information using secure devices or computer systems that have strong password protection and encryption to prevent unauthorised access.
  • accept and understand that:
    • each time the NHI is accessed your organisation’s credentials and identifier and your user ID accompanies the request.
    • all access to the NHI by you will be logged and may be monitored.
    • this logging information will be made available to health consumers who ask Te Whatu Ora for details of who has accessed their NHI records.
    • will immediately advise your own Privacy Officer and the Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Privacy Officer if you think there may have been, or is about to be, a privacy or security breach. The sooner Te Whatu Ora is made aware of a potential breach, the sooner it can resolve any issues.
    • must help us with any inquiry into any breach, or potential breach, of privacy if requested.

NHI and HPI combined Terms of Use

Text to be presented at next login after upgrade :

<Application Name> is now connected to the Te Whatu Ora, National Health Index (NHI) so that each health consumer’s NHI number and other NHI details can be accessed. It is also connected to the Health Provider Index (HPI) so that names and professional registration details about practitioners can be verified. Before you continue you must read and accept these Terms of Use.

Terms of Use for users of the NHI and HPI interfaces with <Application Name>

As a user of <Application Name> you will be a user (User) of the National Health Index (NHI) and Health Provider Index (HPI). As a User you will have access to personal information of health consumers, and you will have access to names and professional registration details about practitioners (the Information).

As a User you confirm that you:

  • will comply with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020, in relation to any Information.
  • can provide printed information or links to information on the Te Whatu Ora website about the NHI and the HPI to health consumers or practitioners if requested.
  • will raise any of the following issues that come to your attention with the Te Whatu Ora contact centre (0800 855 066)
    • system issues with your connection to the NHI or HPI
    • any data quality issues in the NHI (or raise them with the health consumers GP)
    • any data quality issues in the HPI (or raise them with the relevant registration authority).
  • will not access Information about health consumers who are not cared for by your organisation or practitioners who are not party to the healthcare provided by your organisation.
  • must:
    • keep Information secure and confidential, for example ensuring it is not visible on an unattended computer screen, or in an unattended area which may allow access to the Information by unauthorized persons.
    • only look at the Information you need to perform your role, and not disclose it to anyone else unless they need it to perform their role.
    • not share your access credentials with anyone or let anyone else use your credentials, or let anyone else use your device or computer while logged in to <Application Name>
    • only access the Information using secure devices or computer systems that have strong password protection and encryption to prevent unauthorised access.
  • accept and understand that:
    • each time the NHI and HPI is accessed your organisation’s credentials and identifier and your user ID accompanies the request.
    • all access to the NHI and HPI by you will be logged and may be monitored.
    • this logging information will be made available to health consumers and practitioners who ask Te Whatu Ora for details of who has accessed their NHI or HPI records.
  • will immediately advise your own Privacy Officer and the TeWhatu Ora Health New Zealand Privacy Officer if you think there may have been, or is about to be, a privacy or security breach. The sooner Te Whatu Ora is made aware of a potential breach, the sooner it can resolve any issues.
  • must help us with any inquiry into any breach, or potential breach, of privacy if requested.